Designing a tasting – a confusing task

01/08/10 06:56:00
Which 6 spots in the world would represent the variety of chocolate the best way?We would like to initiate an international chocolate event and as kind of fund-raising it would make much sense to invite some decision makers for a tasting. There should be 6 European chocolate manufacturers from different countries Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany and Austria represented, for diplomatic reasons. Since it is not possible to predict the chocolate bias of our guests, the event should be entertaining and impressing enough, not too challenging - with clear differences in taste. I thought a journey around the world when tasting single origin chocolates would be quite nice and easy solution. But just give a try deciding Trinidad or Dominican Republic, Madagascar or maybe Sao Tomeand when you have Venezuela should you also take Ecuador Well, I tried to do this by picking manufactures first and gave up pretty soonI do admit, I am just a beginner, it is my learning by doing.So maybe some brain storming would help to brighten the picture?Would you name some spots, chocolate from where one must have been tried before dying? And then give also its best manufacturer in Europe