The great seal with the pyramid on it was not designed by masons. There was one mason on the committee of 14 (Franklin), but he didnt have much influence on the final design, just the first rejected designs.
There are a few lodges in the country that have tried to use this symbol for their lodge logo and what not, but that is very far and few between and is only recent. The dollar bill was designed LONG before these few lodges decided to use it. Also, there are millions of masons around the world, but I bet that you wont find any lodges in other countries using that symbol, because its a symbol specifically designed by the united states, so freemasons in other countries wouldnt adopt that symbol.
The pyramid on the dollar has 13 steps, to represent the 13 original american colonies, and the top was not finished because the country was still supposed to grow (which it has since, quite a bit lol) and the eye is to mean God's watching over the american people. the numbers at the bottom equal 1776, when our country was "born" and thats it. The pyramids have been admired by pretty much every nation of the world since they were built due to their strength and durability, and they will continue to be symbols for many cultures to come.
However!!!... all things are always open to speculation (: