Hi Clay, I have a very primitive setup here. I heat the chocolate in an improvised bain marie and temper it by hand with the seed method.
The market is outdoors in the morning and in the evening. No way to control the temperature. If the weather forecast can be trusted the morning temperature should be around 20C and it also looks as if humidity at about 37%. The evening is going to present a problem as the temperature is sure to drop to about 12C.
So, my chocolate is sure to go a little out of temper as the day goes. Hopefully the truffles will be consumed quickly, but I am scared it will not set soon enough.
The other night I tried to temper Valrohna for the first time, previously I have used Callebaut, and I had a serious problem. The chocolate was ice cold yet it would not set, it would have been ideal to serve as it is as a colc chocolate drink, serious! So, advice please.