Adding Nibs to Grindeur/Pre-grinding Help

Logan Byrd
03/11/16 12:22:01
8 posts

Hey All,

I have a Cocoatown 65 and Im looking for the best solution for adding nibs to the Grindeur. It seems to seize up pretty easily. Any help would be appreciated. 

Also, if there is a good solution for pre grinding that I'm unaware of, I would love to know it. I would have a small budget for this task ($1000 maybe). 


Powell and Jones
03/11/16 18:48:38
30 posts

Need more heat on the stones / drum?     I currently use a Robot Coupe to pre-grind part of the batch, once you have some liquid and frictional heat being generated then just adding nibs slowly works if everything is warm enough,   A s/h RC  would be around $700 - 1000
