Packaging collaboration

Marc Laucks
02/09/16 12:07:44
8 posts

Hi All,

As many of you will already know, producing short run bar boxes can be an expensive endeavor. While 1000 may seem like a lot of bar boxes, it's only the number 1 to print shops, and more importantly, to the processes involved in printing, folding and gluing boxes. I'd be interested (as would a fellow Chocolate Life member) in hearing from others who may wish to collaborate on a group run of bar boxes.

Be well!


José Crespo
02/09/16 14:20:17
21 posts

I'm looking for a package with similar form factor to the newest one from Manoa. Do you know who makes it?

updated by @jos-crespo: 06/23/16 20:57:33
Marc Laucks
02/09/16 14:51:03
8 posts

It looks custom. Most packaging is. Depending on how it's closed, it could be an affordable alternative to a traditional box. Do you have a sample box?
