My Passion 4 Chocolate

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Remember when

user image 2009-08-04
By: My Passion 4 Chocolate
Posted in:
This morning I was watching a Scooby Doo cartoon with my 7-year old nephew and a Reese's Pieces commercial came on during the show. Which immediately brought back nostalgic memories of the first Reese's commercial I saw around his age...Does anybody remember the 1970s Reese's Peanut Butter Cup collision commercial? Yes, I know I'm dating myself...when that campaign came out sales skyrocketed 300%!"Hey, you got peanut butter on my chocolate!""You got chocolate in my peanut butter!"Two great tastes that taste great together.Sad to say, since my cancer treatment in 2001 I've lost the taste for Reese's and, with few exceptions, I've turned my back on milk chocolate. Just doesn't taste the same.But I do hope the commercial is brought back, maybe updated...just to see it once again.


My Passion 4 Chocolate
08/04/09 21:47:15 @my-passion-4-chocolate:
So nephews bring back pillowcases full of chocolate candies and especially the Reese's...kind of makes me cringe, though, with all the added sugar.
Clay Gordon
08/04/09 20:58:47 @clay:
Nice ... maybe I am dating myself as well but I remember those commercials as well. Only indulge in Reese's Peanut Butter Cups once a year these days - around Halloween.