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01/20/17 05:12:50 @kchiz:

Hi Jordan.  Just following the Warehouse moth thread.  I live in Sydney, Australia and am concerned about storage of cocoa beans. Plus the 6 weeks they will be on the water getting to me.  I had 8 samples of cocoa beans and 3 of them developed moths when my airconditioning packed it in during a hot day.  I was really interested in finding out more about Grainpro Bags and finding out anyone elses experience with them.  You mentioned you had contacts who had used them in the past.  I'd be interested in following up with them if possible.

01/20/17 09:39:02 @jordan:

Hi Kchiz - thanks for the note.  Please send me your email so that I can forward to you contact info. There is a cocoa bean exporter in the US who ships overseas (including Asia).  He uses GrainPro hermetic bags exclusively - for just the issue you are addressing.  I'm sure he'd be happy to share his story/experience. Also, we have another grower/exporter in Central America who does the same. I'm sure she'd be happy to share her experience with you.  My email is Please write me there.  My best,
