Ann Estolas

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Filipino Recipes - Leche Flan, Chocolate, etc.

user image 2011-07-28
By: Ann Estolas
Posted in:
The attractive islands of the Philippines has a wealthy cultural inheritance from which have arisen culinary arts that are as exciting as the multiplicity of cultures that have contributed to the advancement of this delicious Filipino recipes. In addition to the Malayan influence of the local peoples of the Philippines, the Chinese, Arabs, Indonesians, Thailanders, Spaniard, and Americans brought their own cooking styles

As these diverse influences came together, a distinct Filipino flavor and style evolved, which is redolent of the countrys native styles of cooking by oral tradition and eye, rather than relying on specific measurements and the creation of dishes that tend towards the straightforward and hearty, and that can be left on their own to simmer. The island nation, naturally, uses a great deal of seafood in its cuisine, which encourages the use of simplefood preparation techniques and spicing that is meant to improve, not smother, natural flavors.

The most regular spices used in Filipino recipes are garlic and onion. Garlic and onion are accepted , and used in a wide range of dishes, from those of seafood and vegetables to those of meat that are based on sauting. Typical Filipino food recipes are Adobo and Paksiw na Pata cuisines which are made of meat, onion, garlic, vinegar, and soy sauce. The ingredients are combined together in a saucepan, stewed until the flavors blend to perfection.

Meats are often prepared using island flavored marinades of that use vinegar, calamansi, and soy sauce. Then, the meats are roasted or simmered very slowly with spices, often for hours. Rice and corn are fundamental part of most meals, with white rice being well known as a Filipino national food.

The dense, nutritious, energy giving vegetable is also a general ingredients used in cooking Filipino recipes . Cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes are usually are usually mixed with stewed meat , chicken, and fish. Vegetables are also sauted with meat and chicken called the Chopsuey cuisine making it a gratifying , strengthening, and simple dish for a hard working Filipino people.

Filipino food recipes is also famous for its sweet desserts, which include a range of turnovers. Some are filled with sweets and spiced fruit. Leche Flan is among Philippiness most liked dessert items. Chocolate is also a favorite.

With regards to Filipino recipes , the subtle aroma of vigorous cuisines are improved by cooking and spicing methods designed to bring out the best in each constituent of a dish. The culinary art of Filipinos are a delight to the tongue, naturally, but they also offer an enthralling glimpse into a custom that has brought together many varied elements to create a organized whole.
