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Sunita de Tourreil
06/15/11 09:35:28 @sunita-de-tourreil:


I have posted a comment about your company here . Clay Gordon suggested that I let you know about the post so you can respond directly.

I would love to know more about your company, where you source the liquor, is it being processed in the country where the beans are grown, what prices relative to Fair Trade are the farmers being paid for their cacao.

I am asking because I carry your chocolate in my Silicon Valley tasting room and part of our philosophy is to give our customers the story behind the makers. I want to be sure that I am able to answer their questions adequately before using your bars more extensively at my tastings. The more I know about the maker and their practises, the more enthusiastically and authentically I can support their work.

I would also like to carry more of your products. For now I have 4 single origins and about 4 of your fusion bars and I would like to expand that.

Thank you,

Sunita de Tourreil

The Chocolate Garage

J'aime le Chocolat
03/02/09 06:32:04 @jaime-le-chocolat:
Hi Annethanks for the invitation to your website. You'd be surprised at the uproar out there! UK and globaly. I think it is importnat to alert people of the fraud out there! May i suggest in fact linking the Chocoalte life blog on your website? This i hope will offer people an alternative to Obama says - its time for change!!Good luck in your questLeila