Recently, I had a terrible experience using Chocoa brand chocolate for mold shells. Although, it the taste is similar to Cacao Barry, it didn't crystalize properly (even after several tests).
I noticed Chocoley has a couveture chocolate, but I'm not familiar with it? Does anyone have experience with their line of chocolates?
I am a chocolate lover, and i have recently started to consider opening an chocolate shop wih a friend.
I am an artist and at the same time I have been running a family shopping mall.
I want ti change career and have been thinking about the chocolate business.
My friend is a documentalist.
We have been investigating but appart from the love of chocolate i do not know anything about the business.
Any advice>??one of my main concerns is to know if knowing how to make chocolates is a must in order to open the store. Do I need to depend on a chef??any advice welcome.
Many thanks,
Maria Teresa from Venezuela
As President of Project Hope and Fairness, I spent 3 weeks in Ghana and Cameroon this summer and distributed tools to 8 villages using money raised by the NGO. To read about my adventures, please visit .
I spent 10 days in Cameroon, talking to people in government and industry about building a cocoa study center near the town of Ebalowa, the capital of South Cameroon. See the blog for details. Or contact me at:
Tom Neuhaus
Genetic diversity and spatial structure in a new distinct. Theobroma cacao L. population in Bolivia
By El Ceibo, 2011-09-07
Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is an important economic crop in the Bolivian Amazon. Bolivian farmers both cultivate cacao, and extract fruits from wild stands in the Beni River region and in valleys of the Andes foothills. The germplasm group traditionally used is presently referred to as Cacao Nacional Boliviano (CNB). Using DNA fingerprinting technology based on microsatellite markers, we genotyped 164 Bolivian cacao acces- sions, including both cultivated and wild CNB accessions sampled from the Amazonian regions of La Paz and Beni, and compared their SSR profiles with 78 reference Forastero accessions from Amazo- nian cacao populations, including germplasm from the Ucayali region of Peru.
Authors:Dapeng Zhang Windson July Mart nez Elizabeth S. Johnson Eduardo Somarriba Wilberth Phillips-Mora Carlos Astorga Sue Mischke Lyndel W. Meinhardt
Download the full PDF from the World Cocoa Foundation web site.
In a related announcement, the wild beans of the Beni were analyzed and determined to be another distinct population in Bolivia.
RITTER SPORT, a large German company manufacturing industrial and cheap chocolate for gas stations and supermarkets, is attacking fine chocolate makers like DOMORI, ROVIRA, MAGLIO, CONSTANT, KESSON'S and many others because of the square shape of our bars... they claim that they are the only ones in the world that can make square chocolate bars...How laughable is this! Should there be any risk of confusion, we would be the ones that would have to fear any damage for our brands. I mean, besides the fact that there is absolutely nothing leading to confusion in the design of the packaging or anywhere else, we are not even competitors, we are not in the same league... RITTER is a large multinational company with lots of money to pay for the marketing of their mass market product (and for their lawyers) and we are artisans making high end chocolate for gourmets. But this again shows the reality of the chocolate market in general where 70% of the market is owned by 5 large multinational companies... So let's fight the dirty tricks of such greedy multinational like RITTER SPORT that are trying to kill the creativity and passion of small artisan chocolatiers!
Here is a short list of the brands having square chocolate bars in their portfolio: KESSON'S, BALAGUER, BERGER, BOISSIER, CLEMENT, DOMORI, Laurent GERBAUD, HUSSEL, Luento Santoro, MAGLIO, MLAR Choklad, MARCOLINI, MarieBelle, MAZET, MEISTERWERK, MELT, Franois PRALUS, ROVIRA, TCHO, VIVANI, WILLIE'S Cacao...
KESSON'S shall keep the shape of its chocolate bars as it is and we will of course keep our aficionados posted with the latest development of the case.
List of Cacao Growers, Processors, Propagators, Artisan/Chocolatiers
By Ma. Delpha Estrada, 2011-08-24
Hi! I am Madel, a Fulbright Scholar currently working with Dr. Skip Bittenbender on a research on cacao at the UH . Right now we're listing the cacao growers, propagators, Chocolatiers/artisan with a hope that we can meet sometime to discuss on the cacao industry in Hawaii and aim to have a wonderful Hawaii Cacao industry in the future.
Will you care to email me your name, Farm/bussiness location, home address, email address. Please state the no. of cacao trees you have; the products you sell or produce.
Hope to hear from you ASAP. Mahalo and God bless you all!