Mark Lewis

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Any experience using Chocoley Couveture for molded bon bons?

user image 2011-09-15
By: Mark Lewis
Posted in:

Recently, I had a terrible experience using Chocoa brand chocolate for mold shells. Although, it the taste is similar to Cacao Barry, it didn't crystalize properly (even after several tests).

I noticed Chocoley has a couveture chocolate, but I'm not familiar with it? Does anyone have experience with their line of chocolates?


Mark Lewis
09/19/11 10:10:02 @mark-lewis:
Thanks. I'll give it a try.
Matthew W.
09/15/11 20:46:24 @matthew-w:
I've also had very good success using most for molding, including the white chocolate. I also suspect it's from another supplier and I have a hunch but can't say for certain. The small quantities you can order is a definite plus, you can try it out with no real investment. I have had the best results with the V125 formulation when molding at the top end of the temp. range. The other can be a bit too thin of a shell.-M
JJ Perry
09/15/11 19:14:08 @jj-perry:
Yes, very positive. I have tried just about all of their chocolates, including their fair trade organic. I found them easy to work with and you can order small amounts to try first. I imagine that they are really using some other brand as their source chocolate; i don't know for sure, maybe some one else has the inside scoop. JJ