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Chocolate blogs

user image 2011-01-02
By: Casey
Posted in:

I've created a Google custom search engine for chocolate blogs, with a few other sites included that also have writer opinion/discussion. Of course TCL is included, along with 70%, plus a couple of review database sites which are not strictly blogs. The idea is to compile review/opinion sites, and general chocolate blogs.

We used to have a list of chocolate blogs here on TCL, don't know what became of that project, but this is a way to search all blogs at once, in case you want to find out what everyone and their mother is saying about Domori Javablond or Venchi absinthe, or just some general chocolate search terms.

This search engine is available on The Chocolate Note , or you can add the search to your own blog or site, and you can also just use this engine's Google home page here , (where of course there will be some ads.)

I know Clay has created a custom search for use here on TCL, and that has to do with all chocolate web. Curious to know if anyone else has some interesting custom chocolate searches they are using also.
