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Today was a beautiful sunny day... unexpected since the forecast expected snow.After a good run, I treated myself in a good way, with an american coffee, a chocolate muffin and a piece of chocolate with blackberry and ginger, which I bought at Cioccoshow .This particular chocolate comes from Belgium, a land dedicated to the production of chocolate.I like to eat this type of chocolate in the middle of the day because the taste of blackberry and ginger leave me a nice flavor in my mouth.Along with this tablet of blackberry and ginger I bought another one flavored lemon and pepper ... just special and tasty its definitely more spicy.These chocolates are produced by a Belgian company called Kim's chocolates whici is based in Tienen, Belgium, a town about 31 miles from Brussels.
The company started in 1987 thanls to Mr. Fons Maex and over the years has developed keeping on believing in the passion for chocolate. Today the firmemploys 100 people.The bars under the brand Cachet, of course are not the only product ... there are also pralines, and stuffed tablets that are sold under the name of KC Chocolatier .
All the chocolate manufactured by Kim's chocolates is done according to the Belgian tradition and the ingredients are carefully selected and its strictly prohibited the use of preservatives and genetically modified agents.
I must say I am very happy to have tasted chocolate by Kim's chocolates and even if we talk about an industrial manufacturer there is no doubt about the quality of the product.On the site there are also some nice video showing the production.. and even if its not as charming as the laboratory one, it is interesting to see how the chocolates are produced in large scale.
Have fun!
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Todays humidityandhazehavecreateda gloomy andnostalgic atmosphere. Thanks toabyte ofchocolateIgot backmysmilejusttoenjoyahealthyafternoon of relax.
Lookinginto mymagicchocolatebox"I couldfinda bar of chocolatewithgingerflakes,verytastyand fragrantand eating it remindedmeofsome chocolatespurchasedin Novemberatthe Cioccoshow ,precisely atthestallof Il Mondo delle golosit (Gluttony world), achocolate/pastryplace from Lido di Jesolo ( Venice ).Thechocolatesthatconqueredme were cinnamon hearts.Besidesbeingbeautiful, they werealsovery delicious,creamyand delicate.I firstly boughtonefor my afternoon coffeeand thenext dayI came backtobuyawholebag.After theheartsItastedall thedifferenttypesofchocolatebaskets.Ialsolikedthebasketseggnog,pistachioonesand those with
thecremino, butmostofallthe chocolateballswith champagne.Thislast one isveryspecialandthe tastedoes not disappoint.
Atthis pointI cant waitfor spring tohave anicetripto theLido diJesoloandventure inthe Mondo delle golosit.
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Walking through the streets of Paris I came across, almost by chance, the chocolate place by Michel Cluizel. For those who have never heard of him, hes one of the most respected connoisseurs of chocolate and hes internationally known for his special attention to the cocoa beans. His headquarters is in Normandy, where there is even a museum,"Chocolatrium", where there are also workshops on the processing of cocoa. The great peculiarity of the work of Cluizel is the constant pursuit of quality through the selection of the finest cocoa beans and the most congenial plantations. This attention is also reflected into Michel Cluizel chocolate place, such as the one at 201 rue Saint Honor, in the heart of the French capital, where its impossible to resist such beauty and goodness.
Large glass beakers filled with truffles and bon bon featured in the window shop without stealing the show at the fantastic chocolate fountain, which enchants at a glance. For a moment it seems impossible to be in a modern and busy city, you breathe the scent of cocoa, and even if its only a few days away from Christmas ... it seems as its already arrived. If you have the opportunity to visit Paris, a peek at this amazing temple of chocolate ... it's almost a must.
Present throughout the territory of France, Michel Cluizel has opened a boutique in New Yorks 5th Avenue at number 584.
Large glass beakers filled with truffles and bon bon featured in the window shop without stealing the show at the fantastic chocolate fountain, which enchants at a glance. For a moment it seems impossible to be in a modern and busy city, you breathe the scent of cocoa, and even if its only a few days away from Christmas ... it seems as its already arrived. If you have the opportunity to visit Paris, a peek at this amazing temple of chocolate ... it's almost a must.
Present throughout the territory of France, Michel Cluizel has opened a boutique in New Yorks 5th Avenue at number 584.
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A few weeks ago I went out to dinner with a dear friend of mine who, like me, loves chocolate. During the evening she prepared Tenerina cake, a specialty of Ferrara which is the perfect cake for chocolate lovers. As simple as it may seem, its not so easy to prepare a perfect Tenerina. Cristina has created its own version, a cake as the name itself implies "very soft". I loved it and so I thought to suggest it. Here's Cristinas Tenerina!
10,70 oz dark chocolate
10,70 oz dark chocolate
5,30 oz sugar powder
5 egg whites
1 egg
5,30 oz of butter
1 tablespoon flour
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Meanwhile whip 5 egg whites (with the remaining yolks you can make an omelette, or if its winter a nice eggnog). In a bowl, combine the chocolate, sugar powder, butter (room temperature), egg whites, the egg and mix everything. Then add a tablespoon of flour and mix again in order to obtain a homogeneous and creamy mixture. Grease a bowl and pour the mixture inside. Bake in oven for no more than 30 minutes at a temperature of 325F /340F.
A dust of sugar powder and Cristinas Tenerina is ready. Bon appetit!
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