The bean cleaning process

Nick Styles
08/03/11 21:24:22


I'm a 'Newbie' here and I've found the information on the Chocolate Lifeextremely helpful. What I'm a bit confused about is the cleaning process before roasting the beans. I understand the beans should be sortedand the rubbish/metal fragments if anyremoved and broken or disfiguered beans removed, but the process of killing the harmful bacteria on the beans is still a bit confusing.

I have read on here about a company washing the beans in hydrogen peroxide which I definitely don't want to do, but also some information aboutthe UV lights or wands as someone put it. Can someone please elaborate on this process? Do the beans sit under the lights for some time or is the light simply waved over the beans and for how long is recomended?

Is there another part of the cleaning process that I'm missing?

Thanks for any information you can give me on this area of the process.

