
Potomac Chocolate

Vibrating Table

I was recently contacted about the design of my vibrating table with some ideas about possible improvements. I thought it would make sense to move...
@Potomac Chocolate started 11 years ago - replies: 17
Kaydee Kreitlow

make chocolate with 100% chocolate liquor disks?

I have 100% chocolate liquor disks and cocoa butter disks... could I combine them in my tempering machine to make a lower percentage chocolate?
@Kaydee Kreitlow started 11 years ago - replies: 2
Clay Gordon

Vortex winnower based on Oneida Dust Deputy/ies

There is a fabulous discussion in the main forum , started by ChocolateLife member Need Beans, about using one or more Oneida Dust Deputies to...
@Clay Gordon started 12 years ago - replies: 0
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