Quick questionHow cool should I let my ganache cool to before adding it to my molds. I just had to discard about 100 truffles because of streaks in...
@matt black started 12 years ago - replies: 1
Source for organic sugar with a neutral aroma?
Can anyone recommend an organic sugar that has a neutral aroma? I have tried several organic sugars available in the US and they have all had a...
@Tim Williams started 11 years ago - replies: 3
Aging Chocolate
When you mention aging chocolate---this really interested me.....can one age the beans, or is it the liquor...or the mass allready conched that...
@Fargo Della Harding started 11 years ago - replies: 2
Micrometers - Measuring particles
Hello Everyone!I would like to know if anyone would be so kind as to recomend a specific micrometer that you may have used and trust. I am trying...
@Christian Tyler started 11 years ago - replies: 2
Systematic analysis of cacao for sensomics profile
I was wondering if anyone has analyzed samples of cacao/liquor using on-line liquidchromatographygaschromatography or olfactometry to isolate the...
@Isaac Ekblad started 11 years ago - replies: 3
Chemistry of chocolate seizing by heat
I can understand why chocolate seizes when it gets wet. -Chocolate is very dry and any available water is bound up by the sugar or lecithin. The...
@Larry2 started 12 years ago - replies: 3