Coco Queens

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Our second batch!!!

user image 2017-02-08
By: Coco Queens
Posted in: First Coco Batch
Our second batch!!!

Our second batch will be made with the same cocoa beans from the Dominican Republic. Our first batch consisted of 60% cocoa and 40% sugar. This time we are using 70% cocoa and 30% sugar. It was a first try at winnowing. We used sylph winnower and assembled it in class. For our first time using the winnower we were pretty successful. Not a lot of shells got onto our bowl.


Eric K. Meredith
06/01/17 14:28:48 @eric-k-meredith:


We just finished Harvesting our FIRST (1st) crop this April thru middle May Picking Fermenting & Sun Drying Quality GHANA COCOA BEANS. Because of the laws in Ghana. Only the Government (CocoBod) or its licensed agents can legally export raw Ghana Cocoa Beans!! The only exception to these laws are if the Cocoa Beans are PROCESSED here in Ghana!! That means we MUST at least ROAST the COCOA BEANS. We plan on opening up for business on the 15th July, 2017 to sell the following GHANA ONLY COCOA PRODUCTS & especially to small chocolate makers like yourself s. #1) ROASTED COCOA BEANS. #2) NIBBS. #3) COCOA PASTE / CHOCOLATE LIQUOR. #4) COCOA BUTTER. #5) COCOA POWDER CAKE (GROUNDED to a fine 100 MESH Powder). If we can help you with FRESH QUALITY COCOA PRODUCTS, please contact me. or the company that will be opening the 15th July, 2017. The GHANA GOURMET CHOCOLATE COMPANY & the Web Site is currently parked but will also be up & running the 15th July, 2017. The WEB SITE ADDRESS is WWW.GHANAGOURMETCHOCOLATE.COM . I hope to hear from you soon. I will send some samples if you pay for the shipping.

Thank you,
