We are still a very young company, but have been able to get going with a usedHilliard Little Dipper tempering machine, a fist full of dipping forks, & cups/boxes I was able to secure. We make cream centers and are building up the ability to produce more volume.
Short list of equipment
- Book by P. GrewelingChocolates and Confections: Formula, Theory, and Technique for the Artisan Confectioner - It's fantastic and will really help. The latest edition has info on setting upa chocolate shop.
Tempering Machine (Many will say this is optional, but make your life easier & spring for it.)
Depending on if you'll do Ganache, Cream Fondant, Caramels... you'll need different pots, kettles. You'll be the best judge here.
Dipping Forks
Molds as you suggested.
We have used a Square& iPhoneto process credit/debit cards. It works fine.
Discovering that caramel will not stick to buttered parchment paper was a fantastic discovery for us.
a good thermometer or two
fire extinguisher
panning equipment is optional.
Display cases - Refrigeration may be needed
?? Humidity Controlled Display Cases??
a caramel cutter (rolling pin style) is useful, but you can get by with a knife & ruler.
assorted bowls, measuring spoons, cups, scale...
wax paper
Please forgive the disjointed list. Just to re-emphasis the book I listed above has been a great help to me and many others.