In many places in the world where cocoa is grown, water security is still a major challenge. Small solar purification plants are one solution to the problem but they tend to be very expensive and many can't be used in places where brackish - salty - water is a problem.
There's an Indiegogo campaign going on right now for an innovative small-scale solar water purifier. Called the Desolenator , this award-winning project has been under development for several years and is calling for support to move it from the prototype phase into production.
We can help the campaign in several ways:
1) Tell your friends about the project and ask them to tell their friends and go to the campaign page and pledge a perk.
2) Buy a Desolenator at $650 each (pays for delivery, installation, and training). I don't think that many people reading this need one, and many of the rest of us don't have the resources, especially at this time of year, to go out and buy one to give one away.
3) #1 + #2 - This is where the power of our global community comes in. Tell your friends to tell their friends to help TheChocolateLife purchase at least one
I am happy to collect donations (through PayPal) from members of the community and then purchase a Desolenator on behalf of the worldwide ChocolateLife membership. If I receive enough to purchase two Desolenators then I will purchase two of them for the community. (Any monies below/above evenly divisible multiples of $650 will be donated for other perks in the name of TheChocolateLife community.
Once I make the pledge we will have a discussion about where to deliver the Desolenator to a location in India and Africa.
To make a donation, please send it via PayPal to PLEASE earmark your donation as a donation or personal payment. PayPal does not charge transaction fees for donations. If you want to mail a check, please contact me privately. I will keep track, here on this post, of the amount collected, plus provide updates on the campaign.
There campaign closes on January 14th, so please help me in supporting this extremely worthwhile campaign.
:: Clay
updated by @clay: 04/17/15 04:39:49