What do you do if you can't access your account?
One of the admin features of the Jamroom software is the ability to update email addresses and reset passwords. On Ning, your account on TheChocolateLife did not "belong" to me because you could use the same login information to join multiple Ning communities. With Jamroom, this is one community, not a community that shares its member database with thousands of other communities.
If you have trouble accessing your account, send email to accounthelp (at) thechocolatelife (dot) com. In order to be able to help you I need to know the email address of your existing account AND your membername. You should be able to get these from any old email sent to you from from the old Ning web site if you don't remember them.
clay - http://www.thechocolatelife.com/clay/
updated by @clay: 06/29/23 16:55:17