Greetings~ So my husband and I have started working in the kitchen of our new chocolate shop. We've made some wonderful ganaches and toffees and wild marshmallows. However we have an entire rack of polycarbonate molds we are dying to use and the temperer is not working with us. We fired it up added the chocolate on the first day it was too hot we had realized. So I went back and read the manual and about the chocolate and the settings one more time. Day two, I made tiny frogs, they came out of the mold shiny and fine, I left them on the table and came back later and they had a few spots on them. The shop was air conditioned so that couldn't have been it? So we did the test on the back of the spoon after setting the temperer one more time... Spotty once it had set.
I am using dark chocolate, in a hilliards 80 lb temperer. Should I have to take the chocolate out since it was heated too high on day one? It was heated to 115. I didn't think I needed to take it all out, it was not burned. And how do I get this down? I am getting frustrated, I do have a separate thermometer so I know the temperer is keeping the right temp...It must be something I am doing. Any suggestions???
Also~ the molds... Do they need to be coated with cocoa butter or treated in some way before we use them to mold? I did read warming them would be beneficial, do you all do that? I am asking this because I am having a little trouble getting them out of the molds, but of course it was the chocolate described about so I am sure that is the issue...
Any thoughts or suggestions would so appreciated....( more than you know )
updated by @emily-woloszyn: 04/10/15 16:27:01