Dave Huston

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Currently, I'm a home chocolate maker in the 10 - 12 lbs per month range.  Been at this for three plus years.  Plan to set up as a Cottage Food Operator in California in the next year starting only with direct (in-person) sales.  My focus is single-origin dark chocolate bars using only cocoa beans and sugar.

Group Discussions

Dave Huston

FYI. Santha Spectra 11 Motors

I'm just going to put this out...
@Dave Huston 8 years ago - Comments: 1
Dave Huston

Home Cooking and Off-Flavors in your Chocolate?

Hey All,Anybody have an idea as to...
@Dave Huston 11 years ago - Comments: 2
Dave Huston

Infusing Cocoa Butter w/ Fresh Hot Peppers?

Has anybody ever tried this? I've...
@Dave Huston 10 years ago - Comments: 2
Dave Huston

Scaling Up Refining Times Based on Weight?

Hey All,I'm wondering if, while using...
@Dave Huston 11 years ago - Comments: 19
Dave Huston

Santha Spectra 11 Motor Replacement Suggestions?

Hey All,Got any suggestions on a...
@Dave Huston 10 years ago - Comments: 8

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10/21/13 11:08:07 @chocofiles:

Hi Dave, do you sell the chocolate that you make or is it just for your personal use?

Also, what is your favorite cacao origin?