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user image 2010-11-28
By: Dee
Posted in:

I recently stumbled upon Neuchatel Chocolates. A tiny swiss chocolate shop about an hour and a half away from my house. Very nice! I bought a bag full of stuff there, mostly a bunch of "seconds", as their chocolate is expensive.

The first thing I ate was a brownie. It was very fudgy, but not as chocolatey as I expected. The texture was amazing, and the ingredients were pure. Maybe I should have tried heating it up. But I wasn't very impressed with the flavor.

However, I just tried my first truffle from there. It was so good I decided to boot up my crumby laptop and write about it. It was a cinnamon truffle. It was dark chocolate, both the shell and the creamy inside. I expected the cinnamon to be a light dusting on the outside, and maybe not to make an appearance inside, but I was wrong on both counts! The outside was a little crunchy, as though they had found a way to caramelize the sugar without melting the truffle. I have no idea what exactly they did, but it was very pleasant! The chocolate on the inside was cinnamonny too. This little truffle packed a huge punch flavor-wise. I wonder what else I have in store...

I bought a few specific flavors to try, irish cream, coconut, dark chocolate... Plus I bought a chocolate covered pineapple. And I wonder what wonderful surprises await me in the mysterious bag of seconds! It's difficult not to just devour them all!

Neuchatel is very good, in my opinion. I heard that they are offering a product through William Sonoma this season. Don't know if it's any good, but I will certainly try it!
