Caramel cutter help - Tomric

Dirke Botsford
09/25/15 17:25:44
98 posts

I bought a multi wheel caramel cutter from Tomric and am having a heck of a time using it. Either the caramel sticks to it and then rolls up with the cutter or if I make a stiffer caramel it doesn't cut through it? AM I doing something wrong or is there a trick to it? I have watched a few youtube videos and it look so easy...

Caramel is 3/4 inch thick and a medium bite. Does the cutter need to be lubricated? Any suggestions would be appreciated.   

Jayne Hoadley
09/25/15 20:20:15
8 posts

I love that cutter I have two.  It may depend on the amount of fat your recipe has in it.  You could certainly oil the blades.  I cut toffee with it too.  When I cut caramel I roll it over the caramel with a bit of pressure and continue rolling it back and forth until it is all the way through.  Then I turn and go the opposite way.  My caramel is almost 1" thick.  I have also cut marshmallows with it, however with these I do oil the blades.  Hope this helps.

Dirke Botsford
09/26/15 12:21:17
98 posts

Thanks Jayne, I will give it another go using this technique. 
