Elle Monique

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user image 2012-07-24
By: Elle Monique
Posted in:

Hello Chocolate friends,

Need your help spereading the word about the importaqnce of Fairtrade chocolate and the truth behind the chocolates we love. Spoke at TED Talks Amsterdam and now have the chance to speak at Long Beach TED Talks 2013.

HOw you can help?

1. Watch the following link

2. Share via twitter/facebook/email

3. Comment on the link as to why I should have the chance to speak at TED 2013

Many thanks XXXX



antonino allegra
08/07/12 16:23:23 @antonino-allegra:

Hi Elle,

i'm also intrigued about the fair trade story. If we look at the market price between FT and non FT, the price difference is so minimal that i don't believe so much more money really goes to the individual farmer in the small tiny village in a rural poor country. I think Clay Gordon did post something in this regards some time ago. It would very interesting to read more about your point of view!



Clay Gordon
07/25/12 10:29:07 @clay:


There are some very provocative statements in your video. Can you please provide some references for what you speak about - especially the claim that cacao will become extinct by 2032. Also I am interested in knowing how you think Fairtrade will address cacao extinction - if it will.