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FBM UNICA - 25kg working bowl continuous tempering machine


08/17/17 14:30:19 @chocolateregards:

My Unica's computer display is entirely in Italian.  The manual is entirely in broken english :)   but as an added bonus the displays in the manual  versus what I am looking at on the machine do not match (for example 4 lines of information on the computer and only 3 lines of information referred to in the manual).

Screen F1

Setup temperatrice

Can someone interpret what:  Carrello

                                            Veloc. coclea

                                            Veloc. carrello 

                                            Tempo dosatore


                                             Riscaldam. aria

                                             Pausa carrello

Besides the words meaning I likely need the correct usage of it for the machine 

Yes, we are just starting it up.