New chocolate manufacturing technology - thoughts?
Posted in: Geek Gear - Cool Tools (Read-Only)
By reduce the viscosity do you mean to make a more fluid chocolate?
By reduce the viscosity do you mean to make a more fluid chocolate?
I read this article when it was first published.
It provides a false argument of fat being bad and completely ignores the impact of sugar on health. In other words, the old & failed war on obesity narrative.
I am not sorry that this sounds overly harsh, but the key driver for the authors (I believe the "research" was sponsored by M&M Mars, afair) was to use less cocoa butter which would allow for higher filler loading. Filler in this context is all the cheaper ingredients from sugar to milk.
To me this study reads like an argument to use filtered cigarettes over cigars because it allows for a cheaper and more plentiful smoke. It completely misses the point.
Hi @luv-ice-cream, thanks for sharing your honest opinion. It was what we were looking for!
However, I believe you are arguing on the contents of the study, not the technology. Reducing fat-content is of secondary interest to most chocolate producers. But many expressed interest in the machine's ability to reduce cocoa butter usage, this is what we wanted your opinion on. Assuming it tastes the same and is cost-efficient, do you believe this technology is something you would want to use? Why? Why not?
A professor at Temple University recently discovered a technology that helps reduce the viscosity of chocolate by applying an electric-field to the suspension. It can be thought of as running chocolate through an electric sieve. I work at a technology development and commercialization company that has full license to develop and use this device.
I was conducting some market research to see if this technology would be of interest to chocolate makers and why/why not. I would be extremely grateful if some of you could share your thoughts with me on this matter.
Also you can read Professor Tao's paper here:
Or a more condensed version here: