Forum Activity for @Paulo Matta Alba

Paulo Matta Alba
@Paulo Matta Alba
02/19/11 13:01:49
2 posts

Marañon Chocolate - Cacao Thought to Be Extinct Found in Peru

Posted in: Chocolate Education

I 've already read it. Sovereign Globlal Marketing started to ship cacao since last year, from Per to Miami and Belgium (according to custom data).
Paulo Matta Alba
@Paulo Matta Alba
02/13/11 05:41:36
2 posts

Marañon Chocolate - Cacao Thought to Be Extinct Found in Peru

Posted in: Chocolate Education

Hi from Peru (excuse me for my bad English)I found an article in a radio web site (a radio station near Maraon River) about the producers of Chamaya, whose cacao was awarded as the "best peruvian cacao" in the First Cocoa and Chocolate Salon in Peru. The article says that these producers, who are from Jan (Cajamarca) achieved a citric, fruity cacao with caramel and vanilla tones. It says that they adapted the Maraon criollo cacao which is produced in the Maran and Chinchipe rivers valley, between the 500 and 1200 msnm.You can read the article in spanish here: