Cannabis Infused Bob Bon Filling

Greg Gould
04/19/17 11:40:16
68 posts

I make shell molded bon bons and I'm struggling with accurate dosing from piece to piece.  There are weight variations from batch to batch, but the amount of cannabis oil I add remains constant.   I'm assuming its because moisture evaporates from the cream when I'm boiling it.  

Also, I've switched to clear distillate and I'm wondering if anyone else has.

Clay Gordon
04/19/17 16:12:47
1,680 posts


What are you using to fill the mold cavities? You can't have consistent dosage level if the amount going into the mold differs. And, from my research, consistently accurate dosage is incredibly important in most jurisdictions where edibles are legal.

Assuming you are making ganaches (which I infer from your question) ...

When are you adding the oil? It would seem easy to me to boil more cream than is needed and then weigh out the exact amount needed before mixing in the oil (if that's how you're doing it) before pouring it over the chocolate to mold.

clay -
Greg Gould
04/20/17 01:20:50
68 posts

I am making ganaches, filling every thing by hand on a scale.   I've seen depositing machines online but don't know much about them.  
I figured I could boil more cream than necessary, that's probably the way to go.  When I add the oil depends on the recipe but it isn't in the cream. Some flavors do go in the cream but I can compensate.  
Thank You Clay

Dario M. Agesilao
04/23/17 21:19:11
9 posts

first it dependes a lot on the oil you are using, supposing you are making the oil, it changes a lot depending on the flowers you use, and also on the time you take infusing them.

I just mix the oil with warm cocoa butter, and use the same ammount of drops on each cavity.

I made this around 15 times..
the result is never exactly the same.
the result is never exactly the same.


pascua sl 2.jpg DSC04672.JPG

Clay Gordon
04/24/17 12:28:07
1,680 posts


If you are making these for personal use then variability is okay, I guess.

However, my understanding of the regulations for commercial production in Colorado and Washington, for example, are that dosing needs to be very precise.

clay -
Dario M. Agesilao
04/24/17 14:00:48
9 posts

well, here in buenos aires, it is just now being legal to use cannabis oil for medical purposes.. so no.. those were only for friends and recreational purposes.. I posted just to share my experience whith cannabis oil.
