Journey Shannon

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Batch #6 Bean to Bar

user image 2012-04-11
By: Journey Shannon
Posted in:

I'm now on batch six to making Bean to Bar Chocolat. I'm pleased and the process hasn't been to difficult. It took me to batch six to realize I must have at least 2 pounds of nibs in the machine with the cocoa butter for the cocoa town to run properly. Anything less and the wheels spin slowly and often stop. The first batch was the worst. Not necessarily bad but I didn't have a formula yet to provide me with guidance of ratios of nibs, to beans to sugar and so forth. Batch #2 was better and batch #6 even better. All the ingredients were blended in studio to make a dark, rich, smooth Chocolat. My Current bean origins are Ecuador and Peru, Venezuela is on the way. I use a few ingredients and in return get a great product-- cocoa butter, granulated sugar, vanilla bean and nonfat milk powder if making milk chocolat. The Peruvian bean is my least favorite. The chocolat is strong, fruity, tart and acidic like. It's decent if that's all you have around and one is crazing for chocolat. My Ecuador bean arrived a few days ago and I am most pleased with its foreplay, love and climax. Its rich in taste, chocolately, smooth and subtle. It has no sharp offensivenotes and is not too bitter. With both chocolat's I used the same formula for a 70%. Below are my pictures for Batch #1. 151-394353_352944698082866_100001020169387_1003551_160199277_n.jpg


05/26/12 20:26:24 @nat:

This is so exciting, Shannon! So glad you're continuing on to be what looks like a great chocolatera after working with us. Can't wait to taste whatyou've been up to. Tradeyou a sample for some of our recent batches!

Happychocolate making!



Nat Bletter, PhD

Chocolate Flavormeister

Madre Chocolate