Journey Shannon

Recently Rated:

Ocumare, Venezuelan

user image 2012-04-13
By: Journey Shannon
Posted in:

Raw cacao nibs just arrived and how lovely the scent of roasting them fills the air. I smell chocolat brownies and yummy goodness. Roasting Nib Time: 250'F - 30 minutes

I am learning to appreciate the taste of the cacao nib. When they arrived they were sharp, violently bitter, aggressive, abusive. My kind oven tamed them and now, they're delicate, soft, obedient, pleasing and ready to be made into chocolat. Batch #7 will be made with roasted nibs and batch #8 raw nibs. Raw, on occasioncan be exciting, at least interesting. 147-IMG_4282.JPG?width=750


04/14/12 13:11:28 @rene:
finished my day. good luck to you! :)