Landen Z

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Root Chocolate - Matching the Roast

user image 2014-12-04
By: Landen Zernickow
Posted in:

Last month, we visited John Nanci, the Chocolate Alchemist in Oregon . It was a lot of fun and we learned a ton about his process, ingredients, and recommendations!

One of our favorite parts of the visit was roasting a batch of cocoa beans with him. Check out our previous postson roasting here . We picked out thebeans after sticking our heads in all of his big barrels of beans and smelling the wonderful scent of raw beans over and over again. I wish I could share smell through this post, because its incredible how different (and delicious) each barrel smells. We decided on the Venezuelan Carupano Corona, 2014 harvest, which has a savory, almost spicy scent...

Learn how we tried to match the roast!
