Marcos Patchett

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Guatemala visit Jan 2011 - contacts sought

By Marcos Patchett, 2010-09-10

Im going to Guatemala sometime in January or the first half of February 2011. My main objectives are to observe & record manufacture of traditional cacao drinks (Mayan recipes from before the conquest) and obtain samples of plants used in these drinks (e.g. "Ear Flower"). Additionally I'd like to find out more about the role of cacao in Mayan healing, ritual & cosmography/myth. Could anybody help me out or suggest any contacts? Im particularly looking for specialists in this area or locals who could introduce me to the right people. Any help would be greatly appreciated as at the moment I have no contacts in this area.

Muchas gracias de antemano, gente amable! Marcos

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where to buy beans?????

By Marcos Patchett, 2009-12-31
Hello fellow chocolate heads... I'm looking for some cacao beans. Just small quantities (500g-1kg) of beans to buy - fermented and unfermented, all unshelled ('unpeeled'), to experiment with for making old-school drinking chocolate. And ideally all from Central America, eg Tabasco, Guatemala - because I'm trying to replicate pre-Colombian cacao-based drinks. I'm writing a book on it, and I'm doing a little talk in February at which I'd like to supply audience members with samples of said drinks, with ingredients all sourced (if poss) from the places of origin of the recipes. But I can't afford to fly to central America to buy ingredients right now, and I'm almost tearing my hair out trying to find suppliers on the web.. It's all 'raw, peeled' or from Africa... I'll settle for cacao from anywhere if I have to, but I wondered if any of you folks might know a supplier? Many thanks in advance - and happy 2010.
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