Mark J Sciscenti

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Looking for chocolate manufacturer for private label...

user image 2009-08-03
By: Mark J Sciscenti
Posted in:
I am looking for a chocolate manufacturer who can make my specialty line of drinking chocolates for private label. I am having no luck searching on the nets... Anyone out there with ideas? Thanks, Mark Sciscenti, Chocolate Historian.


William Gash
07/19/17 12:30:38 @william-gash:

Mark, I can do this for you.

Publio Cantos
08/08/09 08:23:01 @publio-cantos:
Hi Mark, if you want at least 1500 kg by formulae of 100 grams (3 1/2 oz) tablets 100 % or 70 %, I can processed for you.Publio
Mark J Sciscenti
08/03/09 17:04:13 @mark-j-sciscenti:
Clay, 1). starting point for my specialty drinking chocolates is chocolate - cocoa mass or chocolate liquor, unsweetened and sweetened, 100% and roughly 70%. Right now I use several different high end chocolate makers chocolates. I primarily want chocolate with a high flavor profile, in order to mimic the original drinking chocolates made by the Mesoamericans and the historic Europeans.2). Quantities, not sure how to answer this one as I've been making them by hand up till now. Pack size is roughly three, 44g (1 & 1/2 oz) wafers.3). I know someone who is a graphic designer who used to be the main packaging designer for Godiva who wants to help me make a nice package. I want to get out of making these drinking chocolates by hand and want to have them made and pressed into molds or bars.John, starting smaller is ideal. However I have very specific requirements, and getting molding equipment would most necessarily be needed as well. I am open to discussion. Contact me.Thanks to both of you!
John M Rossini
08/03/09 15:16:57 @john-m-rossini:
Hi Mark, As a rule for larger quantities -say 50,000 packages and up - there would be plenty of interested parties. If you you are looking to start smaller, please contact me to discuss. Thanks
Clay Gordon
08/03/09 14:47:24 @clay:
Without revealing anything proprietary:1) What's the starting point for the beverage? Unroasted beans? Nibs? Powder?2) What sorts of quantities are you looking at (gross production, pack size)?3) What sort of packaging are you looking at?:: Clay