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Making Chocolate (small scale) at home

user image 2013-07-08
Posted in:

Hi Everybody,

I am interested in making chocolate at home from scratch, from roasting the cocoa bean to the chocolate bar. I live in the United Kingdom. UK, but making chocolate here is not so well supported as in USA.

I think, I have found a source of cocoa beans on

e-bay(cocoaman)UK, and also giant juicer, I think can be purchased via e-bay as well. There seems to be many models, but most are available in the USA, are

there any cheaper alternatives to the giant juicer?

The last thing is the wet/dry grinder to remove any grittiness from the chocolate. I have found 3, models, but Im not sure if they are suitable, Premier, 1.5 L. wonder stone grinder, Premier, 2.0 L. table top compact stone wet grinder and the Butterfly, Matchless table top wet grinder, 2.0 L?

Also, I am looking for a good book on making Chocolate at home, from scratch, from cocoa beans to chocolate bar? Is there anybody that could help me? Any help, or suggestions would be very much appreciated!


07/13/13 17:16:07 @rochelle:

I've had 2 Spectra 11 from these guys, and refined a good 700kg of chocolate in them and still going well. You will need to change the belts ever now and then.

Richard Vaughan (OneGoldenTicket)
07/09/13 08:16:20 @richard-vaughan-onegoldenticket: has a lot of good info on making chocolate at home. The step by step details can be found with a list of links under the title "Alchemist's Notebook" (currrently on the right side of the page).