Sarah Scott

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Put your store on the map!

user image 2010-05-26
By: Sarah Scott
Posted in:
Hi All,

I just wanted to let everyone know about this great site ChocoMap . What a greatplace for chocolate enthusiast to find chocolate stores in any city! Ifyou have a store I recommend you put it on there and spread the word.Also a great place to find chocolate news, recipes, and resources.Enjoy!


Michael Long
06/24/10 17:57:11 @michael-long:
Hey the link worked...... wow
Michael Long
06/24/10 17:55:46 @michael-long:
Sarah, I just posted my address to my blog on your blog site. But just in case here it is again, What you'll have to do here is a copy and paste thing to get over to my blog and from there you can get to my chocolate page, and my page on sauces...
Sarah Scott
06/24/10 16:01:48 @sarah-scott:
HI Michael,Send me a link to your blog, it's missing from your comment below. I would love to check it out! Mine is Confessions of a Chocolatier Go ahead and spread the word about the map, I thought it was such a cool site!All the best,SArah
Michael Long
06/08/10 17:21:09 @michael-long:
Sarah, I just saw your post about the store on the Map thing. That's great. Would you mind if I posted a link on my blog and a little write up about this and a link to you and or website... my blog is a not for profit blog, and it's fun to do.. here is a link to my blog if you would like to look at it. I'm going to put it on my chocolate page... So let me know if that's alright with you... I always ask first... Thank you, mike long