Seby Singh

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Seby Singh
04/07/08 10:35:00 @seby-singh:
Yes, I do know how to make them but fortunately don't have to as I occasionally get them at work. But I love collection pictures of them as they look so cheerful!
04/04/08 16:51:14 @chocoflyer:
Love the macaroon pic- do you make those? Mmmmmmm
Seby Singh
04/04/08 11:49:58 @seby-singh:
Hello Clay,It is a pleasure to join your site. I also got your book yesterday which I have started reading.In Paris, I didn't have hot chocolate as I was having mostly wine and of course chocolates and pastries. I do, however, like the bittersweet hot chocolate at La Maison ad Chocolat. It is particularly tasty on a very cold wintry day.
Clay Gordon
04/04/08 09:32:32 @clay:
Seby:Welcome to The Chocolate Life. I am always glad when a friend from finds their way here. Hopefully you will find this community more active and responsive and I look forward to your helping make it that way. What was your favorite place to get hot chocolate in Paris? Mine was la Charlotte de l'Isle.