Sonia Christidis

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02/22/15 23:35:16 @liz3:

I've tried a few things but I think the next thing is going to check if I am shocking the chocolate.  Meaning, making it cool too quickly after moulding.  WE live in Australia so it is very hot here so the A/C is on, I have tried to put them in a separate room but I think that I will just turn off the a/c and see if that helps.  I am also wondering if my thermometer is off - I have tested against boiling water but I just don't know.



02/22/15 20:58:26 @liz3:

Hi Sonia


I called the rep. and they replaced the broken part and the chipped grinding wheel but the bowl itself remains as it.  Looks like it was hand hammered than with a clean finish but the machine works very well.

I have found that if you are going to put strait nibs into the machine, you have to do it slowly or the grinders won't turn, it gets too bogged down.


I run my nibs through a champion juice and liquify it first and then put in the grinder, then after it has been going for awhile, I add the sugar.


I am having the hardest time with temporing, I just can't seem to get it right.  I have tried a few different way but have had basically no success.  The chocolate in the santha is so good, you just want to eat it with a spoon but it blooms once it is in the moulds.


I have all the right temps and everything but it always blooms.  I will just keep trying until I figure out what is wrong.


Hope that helps


