Andre Costa

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What I've Done So Far

user image 2009-05-31
By: Andre Costa
Posted in:
Eve asked me whether I've taken any training so far. I have. One! And there is another one going on now.The first class I took was a one week, 25 hour introduction to chocolate making at ICE (the Institute of Culinary Education) in New York City, where I live.One aspect I enjoyed about that class is the fact that due to internal reasons, the institute had 3 different chefs training us over the 5 day period. That gave us all a good perspective on their personal approach to chocolate making. Quite interesting! I was extremely pleased with our last instructor, who is a very knowledgeable and likable person. Too bad we only had one day with him.The second course I am taking is online - quite not so exciting, I have to say. After going back and forth, I decided to take the online training from Ecole Chocolat. I've heard good things about the training from some former students, mostly the approach they have on starting your own chocolate business.The amount of information they give is astounding, but keeping up with an online course is really not for me. I love the interaction of a hands-on class. I am already behind on two assignments and I need to keep reminding myself I have to finish them.Ecole Chocolat offers a hands-on training in their location in Canada. I am considering taking it this year.So, that's what I have accomplished so far. Almost nothing, but we need to start somewhere. I only need to make sure this does not become another "hobby" of mine - I tend to be a little negative on my take on life (as you could probably see by the way I respond to some forum posts here - I am trying to change that, I swear!), so I think I need to start seeing some results, which will probably help keep me going.Watching what you guys have been doing is inspiring and I hope one day to be an inspiration to someone else.
