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Having recently concluded the first playoff chocolate tasting party, I find myself feeling a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, both the Lindt -Double Milk Chocolate and Marabou -Milk Chocolate are excellent chocolate bars! However, I'm yet to be awestruck or mesmerized by one of them. So many chocolate bars have just been average. Eric Nylund , where can I find a chocolate bar that matches your descriptions !!? Do they only exist in fantasy worlds!? *Sigh*, surely there is such a chocolate bar in the real world too!

As the Quest For The World's Best Chocolate Bar continues, let me share with you my most important characteristics of the perfect chocolate bar.

[Moderator Note: There were broken links to Eric Nylund and Descriptions . The links were removed and Bernt was notified in the hopes of fixing them.]

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Do you want to take part in a small experiment? Yes? Great! Try typing in the word chocolate in your web browser. This word will literally produce thousands of hits. You can view anything from Wikipedia's definition of chocolate to someone's Twitter name! Now, narrow your search to chocolate tasting. This will generate fewer chocolate sites but still too many to view. Lastly, narrow your search even further to chocolate tasting party. What you end up with is, in my opinion, just a handful of quality web sites. The complete list is available on my blog.
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Fundamental to my personal "quest for the world's best chocolate bar" are the chocolate tasting parties! Up to this point I have hosted nine such parties. Each one has been incredibly fun! However, as with most things in life, there has been a learning curve with much trial and error. Are the chocolate tasting parties now perfect? Almost! If you are considering hosting a party of your own, let me share with you my five essential aspects to throwing the "perfect" chocolate tasting party!

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The Chocolate Quest Idea

By Bernt, 2010-11-11
Is there a chocolate bar that is better than all the others? That is the question I intend to answer, as I embark on my personal discovery of the world's best chocolate bar! I realize that this journey literally may take years to conclude. But oh, what a fun trip it will be! I have come to realize that the world of chocolates is wonderful and incredibly fascinating. It truly is a science. Some chocolates contain layers of amazing and surprising flavors, that can at times, be mouthwatering! Check out my blog for a more detailed description of my chocolate quest idea!
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As the world is becoming increasingly aware of the phenomenon of chocolate tasting, I thought I would share my personal "justifications" for hosting chocolate tasting parties. Check it out on .
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Halloween Chocolate Party

By Bernt, 2010-10-29
After much discussion and scheduling issues, my friends and family have finally agreed to meet Saturday for a Halloween chocolate party!! This will be our seventh chocolate party. We are getting close to our "playoff" party consisting of only previous winners. One step closer in our quest to find the world's best chocolate bar ! Stay tune for results.
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