
Kickstarter Project

By Linda Crawford, 2013-08-26

We are in our last days of a Kickstarter Project in hopes of getting funded. We have such a passion for what we are doing and a grand vision of education, fun and support of our local economy and creating amazing confections with honey as a sweetener.

For those of you who are not familiar with Kickstarter it is a crowd funding site...if you don't meet your goal you get nothing..all or nothing.

I have been in the background of these boards, learned a lot, posted a little..and never thought until now..hindsight, to share what has been going on with our business. So I would like to start by sharing our Kickstarter project.

As all of you are aware..the costs are high to start up a business. We have been grass roots and now we need assistance to flourish.

Is this a politically correct forum to ask for support ... maybe not...or maybe it is the perfect place. We support each other with our Chocolate challenges..maybe this is just the perfect place.

We have purchased some of our equipment..from others going out of business...yikes! But it is the nature of the beast. We found an amazing spot in Tubac, AZ to lease. 97-Newstore1.jpg?width=300

We have had to obtain an architect to draw up the blue print, nothing major needs to be done, but an approval needs to happen none the less. Still waiting for the drawing! The kitchen has to pass all inspections. We still have high costs which will exceed what we are asking for on Kickstarter .

We would still love a Savage Bros Firemixer..our mainstay is our caramel, a chocolate tempering machine, even better a melinger! Of course, the list goes on...and on....and keeps getting longer!

99-VelvetMesquiteCaramellogo.png?width=300 The above is our Velvet Mesquite Honey Caramel.

This has sure been a wild ride. I wake up in the middle of the night wondering how I got here. I just could not let go of the passion for organic, local and fair trade ingredients coaxing them to create an exciting result. My partner..husband and I have such a passion for this..that we haven't bought new clothes for awhile! I am sure you can you do the math!

We feel there are so many folks watching and depending on our success in our community...which has one of the highest unemployment in our state. We want to stimulate our economy and others economy in such a sweet way..that is gentle to the earth while promoting sustainability.

Well...enough said time to wrap it up! Which I do a lot of ahhhh another dream a wrapping machine!


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Tempering Method

By Boby John, 2013-08-06

Hello friends,

I am in search of buying a continuous tempering machine. I short listed Selmi & FBM machines. Both the machines uses a different technologies to temper the chocolate.

What is the finest method of temper the chocolate

1. Tempering the chocolate with a gas system

2. Tempering the chocolate with water cooled jacketed system

thanks in advance for the reply.

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First Philippine Origin Chocolate

By Pinoy Chocophile, 2013-08-03


For pinoychocophiles the highlight of the WOFEX 2013 is the exhibit and booth of Malagos Chocolate !Philippines' first dark chocolate with an origin from Malagos, Davao City, Philippines. That's from tree-to-bar (grown and processed in the country), 65% Dark Chocolate.

Read more here:

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[Moderator's Note: The poster of this article has an email address at the site the links in the post point to.]

The average chocolate consumption per person in the UK every year is 11 kilograms, which actually makes the country the joint highest chocolate lover with the Swiss. In fact, 90% of all adults in the UK admit to eating chocolate regularly, but why? Chocolate offers one of the most luxury indulgences for a price that everybody can afford. As this is the case, sales of chocolate have continued to increase even during recent tough financial times.

With the above in mind, it is all too easy to get lazy with your choice of chocolate gifts if you are buying a present. Buying a box of chocolates and giving them away does not show much effort on your part. Just because chocolate gifts are simple, it does not mean that you cannot put some thought into them.

What is the solution?

The solution is very simple. If you buy personalised chocolate , it shows that you have put some thought into the gift. People love personalised chocolate mostly because it is unexpected. A personalised solution can contain a message that means something to your partner, and this can really make the difference.

With personalised chocolate wrappers , you can give your partner a tasty gift that they can also cherish and have as a keepsake as well. By putting in that extra effort and thinking outside the box you are showing the person that you are buying the gift for that care, and, at the same time you are still buying a quality chocolate gift that you know they will love.

In fact, personalised chocolate bars are ideal for a variety of events. As well as giving them as presents you could also give them away in party bags at childrens parties and even provide them at weddings for something a bit different.

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color mist

By Esther L. Greenberger2, 2013-07-30

Can Wilton Color Mist be used successfully on tempered chocolate confections?

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FBM Tempering Machine, Compatta In India

By Boby John, 2013-07-29


I am looking for FBM Compatta tempering machine in India. Please anyone help me out to locate a distributor in India.

thanks in advance

John Boby

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Amazing, one of a kind silicone molds

By Jackie Truty, 2013-07-23

I've been a chocoholic all my life, and for the last 10 years I've had a business in the jewelry making industry. Suddenly, some time ago, I realized that the food safe silicone molds we've been creating for many kinds of clays can be used for chocolates as well! I invite everyone to take a look at our "Flexi-mold" line on . Instead of the $15.00 per unit price, anyone a member of The Chocolate Life can get molds at a cost of $7.50 with a $250 minimum order. That's 50% off!!

Jackie Truty


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chocolate batch 6

By Milford Dennison, 2013-07-18

Just finished batch 6 a bean from Beliez i made a 70% dark it turned out great it is a pure chocolate not many undertones smooth and no after taste

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Making Chocolate (small scale) at home

By ROBERT ORFORD, 2013-07-08

Hi Everybody,

I am interested in making chocolate at home from scratch, from roasting the cocoa bean to the chocolate bar. I live in the United Kingdom. UK, but making chocolate here is not so well supported as in USA.

I think, I have found a source of cocoa beans on

e-bay(cocoaman)UK, and also giant juicer, I think can be purchased via e-bay as well. There seems to be many models, but most are available in the USA, are

there any cheaper alternatives to the giant juicer?

The last thing is the wet/dry grinder to remove any grittiness from the chocolate. I have found 3, models, but Im not sure if they are suitable, Premier, 1.5 L. wonder stone grinder, Premier, 2.0 L. table top compact stone wet grinder and the Butterfly, Matchless table top wet grinder, 2.0 L?

Also, I am looking for a good book on making Chocolate at home, from scratch, from cocoa beans to chocolate bar? Is there anybody that could help me? Any help, or suggestions would be very much appreciated!

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Competition entries taken and contacted

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