
Recently Rated:

Rogue Chocolate

Duration: 00:04:10
Colin Gasko takes us to his bean to bar factory in MN.


01/11/10 16:20:05 @chocoasis:
Hi Xinhong, two of his bars are available on his site: . I am awaiting his Rio Caribe!
xinhong liu
01/11/10 14:08:41 @xinhong-liu:
I wish I had tried any of his products!I have many respects to this young man. I think I understand the word 'raw' now after reading about stuff on this site.Wish him the best!Xinhong
01/11/10 13:12:47 @chocoasis:
Hi Xinhong, I've tried his Sambirano bar and it's a burst of flavor. He roasts the cacao beans using a (small!!) commercial conduction oven with a rotisserie function (he has a customized drum for the beans).
xinhong liu
01/05/10 08:40:30 @xinhong-liu:
What a brave heart! I wish everything goes well with this young man's adventure.Just want to make sure something because it's bit beyong belief. The beans used here for bars are not roasted?Xinhong