European Semi-final 2013 - Results

Martin Christy
05/23/13 05:59:28

22-26 April 2013 saw judging in London of the European Semi-final of this year's awards. The competition featured entries from around Europe, with the exception of Italy, who had their own national competition (but did include Italian plain bar entries).

Over 200 entries where received, from Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and other including from Eastern Europe and Madagascar.

After a tough competition with a very high standard of entries, the results were announced on 9th May .


Overall Gold winner in Dark plain/origin bars was Bonnat's Cusco , with cacao from the province of Machu Picchu. Silvers also went to Bonnat's Juliana (Brazil) and Porcelana (Venezuela) as well as Duffy's Red Star Chocolate Indio Roja (Honduras) and Friis-Holm's Nicalisa (Nicaragua).

Friis Holm's Dark milk 55% and Duffy's Red Star Chocolate Ocumare 55% also took Gold and Silver respectively in Milk plain/origin bars.

Other top winners included Gold for Akessons, Black Pepper in Flavoured dark bars, Paul A Young and Rococo in dark Caramels and the UK's Boutique Aromatique who swept the board in dark flavoured ganaches.

There were also Silvers and World Final Nominations for German companies Clement Chococult and Coppeneur .

A full list of the European winners can be found here .

We also feature profiles of the Grand Jury for the competition. Over the next few weeks we'll be adding a full list of the judges (over 100 attended during the week of judging) and a full list of the entries that made it to the Grand Jury round.