Coco Queens

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Our First Batch!!!!

user image 2017-01-18
By: Coco Queens
Posted in: First Coco Batch
Our First Batch!!!!

We are a group of high school girls from Aurora Colorado.

We are making our first batch of chocolate.

1.What do you guys do to make the batch what you would call"perfect"

2.What are good tips for making the batch?

3. what was the hardiest  part that you think is during the process?

Thank you for the help before hand!!!


Coco Queens


Clay Gordon
02/04/17 13:33:02 @clay:

Art Pollard of Amano Chocolate is famously quoted as saying, "The challenge with chocolate is that every step is the most important step." So my answer to question 1 is: No compromises, anywhere in the process, starting from selecting good beans.

There's an old joke about succeeding in New York City which goes, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The answer is, "Practice." So, my answer to question 2 is: "Experimentation and Practice."

Question 3: See the answer to Question 1: "Every part is the hardest part - each for a different reason." From a labor standpoint I think winnowing is the most tedious aspect of chocolate making. That and sorting/cleaning the beans prior to roasting. Oh, and ...!

One of the things I think that's most important is that you know what you want to make. I think that the best way to do this is to eat a lot of chocolate and focus on the chocolates you enjoy the most. Then, figure out why you like them and experiment with trying to create something that is like what you like, but with your own twist.

I also heartily recommend to all budding chocolate makers that they start out making five-ingredient chocolate (cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and lecithin). Experiment by removing the last three ingredients - one at a time or in pairs - from the same basic recipe so that you understand their impact on the final chocolate.

Finally - be patient. Chocolate needs to age at least 6-8 weeks after it's finished for the flavors and aromas to "mature" (permeate the chocolate evenly) and stabilize, or reach a point of equilibrium. You can't - reliably - judge the final flavor of a fresh chocolate without years and years of experience.

I wish you a lot of fun and success in making chocolate you like!

Coco Queens
02/08/17 07:04:23 @coco-queens:

Thank you for answering our questions Happy

The 4 Chocolatiers
01/18/17 10:49:53 @the-4-chocolatiers:

Super cool! Found you guys.