Coco Queens
Coco Queens

Coco Queens


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Our second batch!!!

By Coco Queens, 2017-02-08
Our second batch!!!

Our second batch will be made with the same cocoa beans from the Dominican Republic. Our first batch consisted of 60% cocoa and 40% sugar. This time we are using 70% cocoa and 30% sugar. It was a first try at winnowing. We used sylph winnower and assembled it in class. For our first time using the winnower we were pretty successful. Not a lot of shells got onto our bowl.

Turn outs

By Coco Queens, 2017-01-24
Turn outs

Okay followers since our last batch we have made amazing progress!!!! OUR CHOCOLATE HAS WENT THOUGH THE WHOLE PROGRESSES AND WE GOT TO TRY IT TODAY!!! attached are some pictures through out of process!!! We had a lot of  fun and our chocolate came out tasting really good Erika didn't like it because she doesn't like dark chocolate!!! but its okay because she still had fun the whole process was fun and we cant wait till next batch!!! we will make it 10X better!!! We as well has a picture of our happy customer (Erika's parents). We want to know what do you guys do to make the temping step easier any tips for us!?!? thank you ahead of time.

(look at our gallery for more pictures!!!) 


Coco Queens 

Our First Batch!!!!

By Coco Queens, 2017-01-18
Our First Batch!!!!

We are a group of high school girls from Aurora Colorado.

We are making our first batch of chocolate.

1.What do you guys do to make the batch what you would call"perfect"

2.What are good tips for making the batch?

3. what was the hardiest  part that you think is during the process?

Thank you for the help before hand!!!


Coco Queens