To be able to answer this question it would be helpful to know what kind of work you're producing - and how much.
The Savage is a batch melter/temperer and the most common size is 50 lbs, though the molding workstations are larger. In a batch temperer you temper a batch of chocolate and when you're done you temper another, a process that can easily take 30-90 minutes. Depending on the work you're doing you might do TWO batches of chocolate per day - up to about 550 pounds per day.
The TOP on the other hand is a continuous temperer with a working bowl capacity of 60kg and a nominal sustained throughput of ~180kg (400 pounds) per hour.
On the surface, there is no comparison between the two - they are very different beasts for very different applications.
As a ChocolateLife member I can offer you 10% discounts on FBM continuous tempering machines. The sheet metal is not as pretty as Selmi, but the engineering is superior and they tend to cost less Selmi.
If you can give us an idea of what you're producing and how much you produce (peak and off-peak), we can help you better understand the differences.
clay -