You do understand that making good or even passablechocolate bars from cocoa powder cake andcocoa butter is very difficult in that by pressing out thecocoa butter you've deconstructed the bean and thechocolate maker then has to try to reconstruct it, right? It's like saying to someone, "Here, I have this apple juice and apple fiber. Canyou please make me the most delicious crunchy apple from these?" Doesn't work and is why much of the large scale manufacturers'chocolate tastes nothing like the artisanalchocolates discussed here.
You'd help show the great qualities ofyour cacao much better ifyou did a great ferment on it and handed that to an experiencedchocolate maker, and then give the finishedchocolate back to everyone down the line from the cacao grower, fermenter, to coop buyers, etc. so they can see what effect the changes in their practices has on the finishedchocolate and how they can improve it.
my 4 (accounting for inflation)
Nat Bletter, PhD
Chocolate Flavormeister
Madre Chocolate