Chocolate Drinking Machine Recommendations

Andy Ciordia
10/25/10 18:55:35
157 posts
Tom, can you share the spec sheet?I hadn't really given too much thought to the pre-heat idea and it's one worth knowing going into it.
10/25/10 16:38:41
288 posts
I wonder if the little ones stir - I'd probably go after the 3 litre one mentioned above.

10/25/10 16:28:50
205 posts
I have looked into this half heartedly every now and then but haven't found anything that has made me buy. One question to ask when you look at a machine is does it heat the liquid from cold - many do not. I presume this has to do with the fact that things like urns heat really rapidly and would burn a milk based drink so the heating has to be gentle. I have also looked at other things that may do the job such as soup warmers (soup kettles) which hold soup at 80 degrees celcius, again you have to preheat liquid before it goes in. Also you may look under 'milk warmers' again a lot of these require preheating the beverage.I did send an email to Sarah of Sarah's Sweet Fountains and she said that their unit will heat from cold but it will be slow, I downloaded their specs and this machine seems to be the best I have seen so far. But that is just looking on the internet.
Andy Ciordia
10/25/10 12:05:34
157 posts
Thanks Jenny, great to know there's a smaller version at half the price.Kerry1, the little home ones: they seem to come in a few varieties. Cheap, plastic, paddle.. not much science to it.
10/24/10 08:12:57
288 posts
I've helped people get their hands on the $900 ones - they are a nice piece of equipment. Can you link me to a $50 one so I can see what you are referring to to compare?

Jenny Bunker
10/23/10 16:28:29
10 posts
Hi,I have never actually used these machines, but I too was searching and found this: This model seems to be cheaper because it has a 3 liter capacity verses the more expensive 6 liter model: Good luck!Jenny
Andy Ciordia
10/23/10 08:30:55
157 posts
I thought this would be an easier search but I'm hitting a wall. We'd like to start serving some drinking chocolate at area markets and as I search for a machine to keep warm and agitate our heart-stopping concoction all I am seeing is 900$ machines and $50 ones. Is there no middleground? Are the billete high end machines really worth it? How fast do the cheapies break down?

Have you gone through this row and found a path that can be shared? It's getting cold out and we want to warm some patrons souls up.

updated by @andy-ciordia: 12/13/24 12:15:15
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Coco Queens
@coco-queens • 8 years ago

We are making our second batch of chocolate today!!!!

The Slow Melt
Clay Gordon
@clay • 8 years ago

TheChocolateLife celebrates its 9th anniversary this week, starting publication the week of January 18, 2008. Already planning a 10th Anniversary bash!

Clay Gordon
@clay • 8 years ago

Food and Wine Magazine's list of top chocolates in the US.

This appears to have been put together by a committee (there is no byline) and by people who have little or no understanding of the chocolate business. Like most lists produced this way, it's very uneven - mixing very small producers with global mass-market brands, and not differentiation between chocolate makers and confectioners.

What are your thoughts?

Vercruysse Geert
@vercruysse-geert • 9 years ago

This year 2016 was a good year for our small business in Belgium. We now are following some new (for us) small and unique chocolate makers. Such as: Ananda (Ecuador), The Wellington chocolate Factory, Acali, Potamac, Letterpress, PumpStreet Bakery, Dick Taylor and La Naya. We are proud to be the smallest chocolate shop in Belgium following some of the best chocolate makers in the world.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2016/2017

Kentos dos Frentos
@kentos-dos-frentos • 9 years ago
@aly • 9 years ago

wtb/ selmi chocolate tempering unit top EX