vegan milk and white chocolate

Andrea B
07/05/13 17:02:30
92 posts
I was holding out hope for the Organic Nectars white chocolate. I may be more sensitive to very sweet things now being vegan, but I thought the white chocolate was very sweet. I only tried one bite - maybe I should try it again :). Their milk isn't what I was looking for at all. Their price is too high as well to use in any bulk capacity.The other thing to bear in mind is that these vegan white and milk chocolates won't be "real" chocolate so they may not temper like you expect if they temper at all.If you ever find something worthwhile let me know ans I will do likewise.Andrea
lagusta yearwood
07/05/13 16:35:26
13 posts

Yeah, that seems about right, thanks for the info. I have been looking into Charm School Chocolates vegan white chocolate, but the flavor doesn't exactly thrill me, and it's cost prohibitive. Here's to hoping someone fills this hole in the market sometime soon!

Andrea B
07/05/13 15:36:49
92 posts
I too have been keeping an eye out for a decent vegan white and/or milk chocolate. To date, I haven't found anything worthwhile. I'm sure I have tasted all of the same vegan options that you have. I had high hopes for one white chocolate but the cost would be astronomical to use in a business setting. I read about a vegan milk chocolate by Callebaut that was only available in Europe. I've been trying to track it down but so far no luck. I just don't I think that any manufacturers (large or small) have discovered a decent formulation for vegan options. Add to that the cost of the ingredients and I think that is why you haven't had any luck.Andrea
lagusta yearwood
07/04/13 14:44:09
13 posts

Hello chocophiles!

I've been lurking for a year or so, I'm so excited to finally say hello. I have a tiny little chocolate shop in New Paltz, about 80 miles from NYC. Everything we do is organic, fair-trade, and vegan. We primarily use TCHO couverture, their organic and f/t lines.

We use all dark chocolate, obviously, because I can't find a decent vegan milk chocolate or white chocolate. I know there was a thread about this a while ago with people looking for readymade dairy-free vegan chocolate, but I have tried every single one on the market and they are such low-quality and don't have a good mouthfeel. There are some rice milk milk and white chocolates on the market, but they are truly vile. I'm looking for some artisan quality, delicious white and/or milk chocolate. I feel like coconut milk powder would work instead of the milk powder typically used in white chocolate, but not being a chocolate-maker, I really have no idea. Whenever possible we use coconut milk as our primary milk because it's tastier and fattier than soy milk or any of the other vegan milks out there, so I feel like it would make a good white or milk chocolate... ? Who knows! I know that Will Powder sells a powdered coconut milk that might be a starting point. ( ).
I'm been lobbying TCHO for years to get into the vegan white chocolate market, but while they are lovely people and I adore them, surprisingly, they are not reorganizing their entire company to suit the needs of their smallest wholesale customer! Shocking. So I'm looking for a chocolate-maker (being, as I am, a mere chocolatier without interest in the bean-to-bar world) to custom make us (and the worldI'm telling you, this could be a great market!) some super high quality milk and white chocolate couverture.
If you have any leads, I'd love to know them. My email is, or you can just post here.
Thanks a million.

updated by @lagusta-yearwood: 04/11/15 10:10:08
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Coco Queens
@coco-queens • 8 years ago

We are making our second batch of chocolate today!!!!

The Slow Melt
Clay Gordon
@clay • 8 years ago

TheChocolateLife celebrates its 9th anniversary this week, starting publication the week of January 18, 2008. Already planning a 10th Anniversary bash!

Clay Gordon
@clay • 8 years ago

Food and Wine Magazine's list of top chocolates in the US.

This appears to have been put together by a committee (there is no byline) and by people who have little or no understanding of the chocolate business. Like most lists produced this way, it's very uneven - mixing very small producers with global mass-market brands, and not differentiation between chocolate makers and confectioners.

What are your thoughts?

Vercruysse Geert
@vercruysse-geert • 9 years ago

This year 2016 was a good year for our small business in Belgium. We now are following some new (for us) small and unique chocolate makers. Such as: Ananda (Ecuador), The Wellington chocolate Factory, Acali, Potamac, Letterpress, PumpStreet Bakery, Dick Taylor and La Naya. We are proud to be the smallest chocolate shop in Belgium following some of the best chocolate makers in the world.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2016/2017

Kentos dos Frentos
@kentos-dos-frentos • 9 years ago
@aly • 9 years ago

wtb/ selmi chocolate tempering unit top EX