Forum Activity for @Roll Chocolate

Roll Chocolate
@Roll Chocolate
04/26/17 20:06:05
2 posts

Santha Melangeurs

Posted in: Geek Gear - Cool Tools (Read-Only)


I found a replacement motor for the Santha Spectra 20.  USA product.  If anyone wants info, I will send it to them. Under three hundred bucks direct from the manufacturer and payable to them directly.  I am not asking for, or taking, any money for this.

So don't leave me in suspense whats the motor details?

Roll Chocolate
@Roll Chocolate
04/26/17 09:18:04
2 posts

F/S - Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Making Set - San Francisco

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

If they fall through, I'm interested in the roaster, winnower and melanger.